Mexican teapot with teacups

I purchased this Mexican tea pot at MCC, a thrift store in Kidron, Ohio.  I wasn't sure what it was when I bought it, but it made me think of a punch bowl or some sort of drink service set.

I purchased it for $8 and couldn't wait to get home and research where this was from and what it was.  I added the photo to google photo search.  I learned about google photo search when I was trying on line dating, lol. 

I found it super helpful to see if the person was trying to catfish me.  I was catfished at least 25 times.  Which is one reason I no longer do on line dating....but this is about tea.

Here is what I found when I did the google photo search...

This is a Mexican teapot with teacups!!!!

I was thrilled it really was tea related.  In 2023 I am hoping to do 12 teas- one a month at my house.  And each tea will be from a different county and use authentic tea items.  So, this is perfect for that dream.  

I have some research to do about what tea would be served in this tea set.  I have read that some teas from Mexico you need to be cautious when drinking- the wrong dose can be toxic.  Those herbal teas are made with herbs native to Mexico.

I have read that there is a hibiscus tea in Mexico, Agua de Jamaica is a traditional Mexican tea made from Hibiscus flowers.  Also, Mexican tea is an annual or short-lived perennial weed in the Amaranthaceae (buckwheat) family from tropical Americas. Both the stems and leaves have minute glands that secrete an aromatic oil that exudes a musky somewhat malodorous scent.

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