Shorash Rest, Kurdish Tea, Duhok Iraq

 It's Saturday, Day 6 of my vacation in Kurdistan.

We took a road trip to Duhok.

This was my first time out of the city.  I loved the scenery.  It was a little over two hours to Duhok.  

One of my favorite sites that we passed on the way to Duhok was the city that they say has the tomb of Nahum!! 

Nahum was a prophet around 600 BC.  He wrote the book of the Bible, Nahum.  The Ninevites had returned to their evil ways again.  Jonah had gone to them over 100 years earlier and they turned to God...but then they returned to their sin.  Nahum was writing to return to God, because of His rejection of them and His ultimate destruction if those who oppress Him.  God had complete control over the nations and will judge the wicked.   God is committed to justice and judgement but there is also HOPE for those who trust in Him.

Photo below is us driving to Duhok.  We are driving to the white tents you see in the photos.

We went up the mountain. There was to be a restaurant up there were we were going to have lunch.  But it ended up being closed.

That is okay, I enjoyed the views from the mountain top.

All along the way up the mountain there were little enclosed picnic tables for people to enjoy eating and seeing the city below.

This little guy was chilling along the side of the road.

We came down to the city and ate at Shorash.  Again I am always amazed at the amount of food and the small price tag.  These large meals were $5.50 a person.

We ordered a chicken to share.  And then we had all these side dishes again...beans, Tapsi, olives, salad, red beets, rice, Cole slaw, soup, Bryani, naan, and humus, along with a banana dessert. 

How gorgeous is all of this??

This yogurt milk was not something I enjoyed.  I tried it once at a restaurant and I thought it tasted like spoiled buttermilk.  I just could not drink it.  They say it was good for your gut...almost like keifer that we have in the states.  I could not do it.  I tried being culturally sensitive- but this drink was not happening.  Plus, I hate milk.  I never drink milk.  This was the only thing in Iraq I could not eat.

The sweet banana dessert was interesting.  I am not sure what all was in it, but it was super sugary. 

Then there was tea!!  I did two cups here.  Their teas was very good.

I just love the tea.  Every cup makes happier and happier.

Something I found super interesting was that the table had like 50 table clothes on it.  As soon as a table was done, they just took off the top table cloth.  It makes for a very quick turn over of tables.
It did make the table a little wavey, but it was fine. I found it clever and unique. 

I had to use my first squatty potty...
When in Iraq you need to be aware that not ever restaurant will have Western bathrooms.  It made me VERY grateful when I found a restroom that reminded me of home, lol.

Here are some of the tea facts I have learned:

Tea here is called Chai.  It is a black Ceylon tea with cardamon.
A teahouse is the second most visited place in Iraq, just after the mosques.
Tea is the number one drink in Iraq.
There are tea houses all over Erbil and some are for men only.  The men sit around- drink tea, play games, talk business, and politics.  
Tea houses in Iraq are called chai khana.
It is becoming more acceptable to women to be allowed in some teahouses.
Iraqis are said to drink 1 pound of tea a month.  In 2021, Iraq was the largest importers of Ceylon tea.
Tea is for rich and poor, old and young.  It is a part of the culture in Iraq.
In the 19th century the governor of Bhagdad turned all the coffee houses into tea houses.
But tea really gained it's popularity when the British army came to Iraq.
 I've heard that people will start their day with Kurdish tea too.  That if they don't they believe they will often have headaches and become dizzy.
If you buy tea along the streets here it is less and .50
Iraqi tea is served in a small cup made of glass called “Istikan” and this word means “East Tea
Can”.  In other countries, I have heard them called Tulip cups, because of the shape.
 Tea is made in a Samovar.  The bottom kettle has the hot water, the top, smaller kettle has the stronger tea concentrate.  You would fill the cup up with around 3/4 of the black tea and then the rest with hot water.  You try to fill the cup up as full as you can.
When tea is served it comes on a saucer, with the cup and a spoon.  The spoons can stick together.  If a man receives two spoons that means he will have two wives.
To cool the tea, some pour the tea in the saucer to drink it.  Some also keep the teacup in the saucer and lift the saucer up to drink from the cup, since the tea can be so hot.
There are a few things that can be added to this tea...a cinnamon stick, a rose bud, saffron, and even a  tea perfume.
Tea is served with dates, sunflower seeds, pistachios, cookies, and other sweet treats. 
The teaspoon is left in the cup when the tea is poured, if left out they think of you as inferior to them.  (I also read that you never serve the spoon in the cup.  It all depends on what part of Iraq you are from.  When served in Erbil, it always had a spoon in the cup when it was brought to me. Yet, when I went to a Kurdish home, he made the tea without the spoon in it.)
People love the clinking of the teaspoon along the teacup as the sugar is stirred in.  The clinking sounds are heard all over shops and bazars.
You will find kiosks of tea sellers on the side of streets, in the bazar, and all along the roads in villages.
Picnics always includes tea.  People will grill their food over wood and charcoal and then put the kettle on.  Some say tea over wood or charcoal is the best.
If you go to someone's house, it is rude for them not to offer tea.  And you usually will have at least 2 cups.

10 As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another, as good stewards of God's varied grace: 11 whoever speaks, as one who speaks oracles of God; whoever serves, as one who serves by the strength that God supplies—in order that in everything God may be glorified through Jesus Christ. To him belong glory and dominion forever and ever. Amen.

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