Iraqi Earl Grey tea tasting with Mahmood Tea and Ahmad Tea

 I have not been home very long and I was already itching to try some of the Earl Grey teas I bought in Kurdistan.

I bought three kinds of Earl Grey; I decided to taste test the Mahmood and Ahmad ones against each other.  

Ceylon (Sri Lanka) Black Tea with bergamot

Ahmad Earl Grey 

Black tea from Kenya and India with bergamot

I made them the exact same way.  6 scoops of tea, 1/4 cup of sugar. Steeped 10 minutes.
If I were doing just a cup of tea, I would only steep 5 minutes, but for a gallon of tea I steep 10 minutes.

What I have made a concentrate basically by steeping the tea.  I then will fill the remaining pitcher with water and put in the fridge.

For me there was one clear winner.  One tea was just too perfumy for me.

For me, the winner was Mahmood Earl Grey.  

Ahmad Earl Grey was too perfumy- too much bergamot.  I ended up adding Lavender syrup to the Ahmad iced tea to help the flavor. 
I did make it again with the Ahmad and I only used 4 1/2 scoops of tea.  It was still a bit perfumy for me, so I added lavender to it too.

I am a fan of the Mahmood Earl Grey.  The bergamot was lighter than the Ahmad and I was able to get all the tea notes.  I could taste the black tea and also have notes of bergamot.

I still have the Earl Grey from Apple Tea to try too.

These are all the teas I came home with, lol!

10 As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another, as good stewards of God's varied grace: 11 whoever speaks, as one who speaks oracles of God; whoever serves, as one who serves by the strength that God supplies—in order that in everything God may be glorified through Jesus Christ. To him belong glory and dominion forever and ever. Amen.

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