London Fog at Whippt

 I was driving through Wooster and decided I would try another tea from Whippt.  I was not expecting to meet the owner or have her make my day by gushing over me, lol!

135 W Liberty St, Wooster, OH 44691

I cracked up.  As soon as I walked in the owner, started saying my name.  She said, "I know you, I love you.  I can't believe you are here."  I was cracking up.  I had never been fanned girled over before.

She said that she had been following me and asked about my recent vacation to Iraq.  She asked all about it and said she wanted to be me when she grew up...hahaha.  She also said she wanted to go to England on the tea trip I was leading in the fall.

She was a huge encouragement to me.  Sometimes I wonder if I just annoy people with all my posts about tea.... however, she encouraged me to keep going.  
And I have to say it also super fun to be recognized- I feel like my marketing is working and people are learning about tea from me.  Also, I love sharing my faith.  My faith is the most important thing to me.  If one person came to a personal relationship with Jesus because I was sharing about Him through tea, it makes everything worth it.

My takeaway, keep doing what you love!  I love Jesus and tea, and I am going to keep sharing about both!  Giving God all the glory!

She said she follows me and loves how I share my faith.  She said that she could not believe I was having her tea.

I decided since I would do a London Fog, since I already had done the chai tea before.

There were several tea options.  She said that the did not start out selling tea, it was only coffee.  But the gal who works there with her created all the tea recipes...I love that!!

I thought that the London Fog Latte was really good.  This is not a powered mix - this is their creation.  It is real tea!!  Looking for fun unique drinks come check them out. Super friendly and helpful with choosing the right drinks too.

Cute and cozy in downtown Wooster.

Check out if in Wooster!!  

 My dream is a teahouse.  Will it happen, I have no idea.  As a Christian, I trust Him in the process.  I have dreams and goals, but I will trust Him in the waiting.  If I start my own business or not, I am not worried, I will keep moving forward and trust God for the leading.  If He opens doors I will walk through, if doors shut I will be okay too.  There is a peace in that.
Have questions about having peace in your life?  Finding joy in the uncertainty of life?  Reach out, I would love to tell you about Jesus!!

10 As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another, as good stewards of God's varied grace: 11 whoever speaks, as one who speaks oracles of God; whoever serves, as one who serves by the strength that God supplies—in order that in everything God may be glorified through Jesus Christ. To him belong glory and dominion forever and ever. Amen.

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