Moroccan Tea at Rumi Cafe on my last full day in Erbil Iraq with thrift shopping at the Langa Bazar

     Day 9, my last full day in Erbil.  Where has the time gone?
I have loved my time here!!!

The morning started off with my friend's language classes and then a trip to the Bazar. My friend's teacher made us tea cookies.  They were really good- tasted like a shortbread with walnuts in the middle. I enjoyed them with my tea.

We offered a cookie to one of the Kurdish Teachers and he said he could not have one. When asked why, he said it was because he did not have any tea.  Boy, he takes the tea part of tea cookies seriously. 

I loved tea at the language center.  The kettle was kept warm on the heater.  I thought it was so adorable!!

Tea and sugar...a staple here in Kurdistan.  I have to say I loved this sugar container so much- I bought one!   When I drink my Kurdish tea, I want to use this sugar container- it will constantly remind me of Erbil!

I found this one on eBay for less than $10.

I did a little over 3/4 tea here with hot water.  It was very good tea.

 We went to the thrift bazar.  It was really fun.  I had to be careful because I already knew I had a full suitcase and no room for anything extra.

This is one of my favorite style of brick laying over here.  It looks like a basket weave.

Langa shop, Qazi Muhammad، Erbil, Erbil Governorate, Iraq

This young guy was selling tea in the bazar.  I tried to get tea from him, but he wouldn't sell to me. Our Kurdish friend even yelled after him to come back to sell me tea, he just kept walking.  hmmm.

Lots and lots of nuts!!!!

Dried fruit, figs, dates, and so much more.

This man was selling tea too.  I was not able to get his attention to buy tea.  I guess buying tea here at the bazar was not meant to be for me.

Fun tea things I saw shopping...

The biggest tea ball I have ever seen.  I wish I had bought it, but I knew I had no room in my suitcases.  It's true, my suitcases were already fully packed.  The tea ball was only 6,000 Denarii (around $4 US).  A GREAT PRICE!  Oh well, next time, lol.

The other item I wished I had bought.  A baby teapot.  It's hard to see how small it is, but it was really small and so adorable.  Maybe held 2 cups of tea.  I didn't even ask the price...this would not have fit for sure.  And they advise not to put teapots in your carry on.  Can you believe it?!!  They will take your teapots out of your carryon bags.

There were all kinds of tea accessories there too.  This tea tray was really pretty.  Although I do love the one, I bought at the other bazar.

I did buy these 6 little silver trays to use at tea parties.  They will be great to put tea treats like dates or little cookies on.  The picture on the right is the shop I bought them at.

Just a few dates...  I love dates.

Men playing dominos or something and drinking tea.

We then had an hour break, so we went to Rumi Cafe.

6XPX+829, Erbil, Erbil Governorate, Iraq

Look at this adorable architecture. 

WOW, these doors!  The huge doors are such a statement!! They are amazing looking.

These are the windows in the cafe.  And across the street was this painting, so it looks like that was the view out the window.

The tile floor was super cool too.  I loved the design in here.

The drink menu was not extensive, but it was very nice.

This reminds me of the kind of tea place I want to have.  
Teas from different countries, no small, no medium, no large- just by the cup or pot.  
Also, I want to have teas from different countries too.
Japan- only offer Matcha
Iraq- Kurdish Tea
Morocco- Mint
Russian- Caravan
Hong Kong- Milk Tea
Taiwan- Bubble Tea
etc...and serve all the tea in the traditional teapots and teacups. It's going to be amazing!

1500 ID or Denarii = $1
3000 Denarii = $2
4500 Denarii = $3
6000 Denarii = $4

The Moroccan Tea served in an exquisite Moroccan teapot and traditional Turkish teacup.

They added orange blossom to their Moroccan Tea.  I have never had it that way before.  It was okay, but not my favorite.  I did miss the mint that is typical and expected in a Moroccan Mint tea- but then I have to remember is was just a Moroccan tea, not a Moroccan Mint.
But the teapot and cup were beautiful.

This place was so quaint.  There were shelves of books.  It looked like a great place to come and work on my computer.  

Check out the windows behind me?  Everything was done beautifully here.  I would love to have a tea house that looked like this!

I did not finish all my tea before it was time to go, so I took the rest with me.

My last evening my friends ordered in some of the most delicious dessert I have ever had!!   I enjoyed these treats with some tea.  WOW!

I am so glad I stayed away from sweets until the last day.  Otherwise, I would have had this stuff EVERYDAY!!

On the left is Knafeh.  I am in love!  It is cheese topped with pastry dough with a sugary syrup, called attar.   It melted in my mouth!  I looked it up and there is a Middle Eastern Restaurant in Cleveland that carried these sweet treats, I will be in search of them soon!!!

10 As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another, as good stewards of God's varied grace: 11 whoever speaks, as one who speaks oracles of God; whoever serves, as one who serves by the strength that God supplies—in order that in everything God may be glorified through Jesus Christ. To him belong glory and dominion forever and ever. Amen.

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