Smith Black Lavender

This might be my new favorite...if you think about, I have not said that in awhile, lol.

But, I do love this tea!!!

I took this tea to work and made it into a latte.  

 I love that I have the ability to make all sorts of different teas.  And every time you make the tea you can switch it up.  You can do it plain.  You can add sugar.  You could add milk.  You could add milk and syrup.  You could add honey.  You could add agave.  You could mix it with another tea.  You could make it hot.  You could make it cold.  So many options!!!

Ceylon and Zheng Shan black teas, French lavender, red rose petals, black currant and vanilla natural flavor.

I made the black tea- I heated the water to over 200 degrees. I steeped for 4 minutes.

I then took milk and added lavender syrup and I frothed it.  If you wanted to focus on the vanilla in the tea- you could froth the milk with vanilla.

It smelled so great!  Wafts of lavender and black tea.

I made lattes for people in the office, my manager loved it too. My one friend is not a huge lavender fan, so she thought it was okay, but wasn't a big fan.  But, she did drink it all.

This tea is great.  It is full of flavor and blends so well together! I love the lavender in this tea.  It is not over powering or perfumey, it is just perfect.  Definitely 5 tea cups out of 5 tea cups.

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