DG Ceramica, Torremolinos Spain. I bought a teapot!

***2000 POST***
WOW, I started this blog in 2013 and this is my 2,000 post!  Thanks for following along all these years!!!

While I was in Spain on a mission trip I had an afternoon off to go exploring.  I love old town Torremolinos.  It feels so old and quaint.  What I think about a tucked away European town would feel like. 

In 2013 I was in this area and I remembered this ceramic shop.  I went in and I asked her if she had any teapots.  She said I just have this one left.

I said I will take it!!!  It was on sale and I paid 21 Euro for it.

The clerk was so kind and wrapped it up in bubble wrap and paper so that I could carry it home.  And I did, it was in my carry on and made it safely back to Ohio.

https://delriosalado.info/  (this is who made my teapot)  They have been making pottery in Spain since 1969.     CerĂ¡mica Del Rio Salado

Shops in the area.

I just love this area.  Things are more reasonably priced than closer to the ocean too.  Across from the ceramic store is a great jewelry shop too.


The Zimmerman-Bury Octagon House Tea Party

The Octagon House on Rt 57 just outside Orrville had a garden tea party.
It was delightful.

It was a hot, hot day, but that didn't stop us from attending and even sitting outside.

The family was dressed in period costumes.

This is the owner, Mrs. Bury.  She and her family run the place.   They are doing more events this year to help pay for renovations that need to be done to the house.  And we all get to benefit from it.

She shared a bit about the house and the previous owners the Zimmerman's.

They had an artist there who was doing portraits. This is me....

This was our menu.  And they encouraged us to come back for seconds.

The food was scrumptious!!

I was sitting on the porch, but then a group of people came by and I came them my seat and I went to the gazebo.

Below is the daughter and granddaughter who help with the house.  The granddaughter is actually dating my cousins son- so I get to see her at family gatherings, which is fun!!

There was a breeze that came through the gazebo, it was very pleasant to sit there and finish my tea and goodies.

This is from their Facebook page.  They encouraged people to play yard games if they wished. 


Matcha at River Road Coffeehouse, Newark

While in Newark I looked for a place for tea and I found River Road.

This was my first time to Newark.  I thought the down town was adorable.  It took me a minute to figure out the square and how to drive around it, but once I figured out the roads I enjoyed the area.

The coffeehouse was clean and the prices were good, but the staff was not overly friendly.  I felt like a bother and she was not super happy to serve me.  That is why they are getting 4 tea cups and not 5.
The matcha was good.  Not overly sweet, I enjoyed it.

I loved all the statues around the town square.  They were fun to look at and take pictures with.  This was Mark Twain, aka Samuel Clemens 

You can see the coffee shop in the background.  I enjoyed the downtown area.  There appeared to be some nice looking shops.  I wish I had had more time to look around and see what was there.

Licking County Courthouse.  Wow, what a gorgeous structure!  I was just in Carrollton and it reminded me a bit of that Courthouse, but this one is much grander and ornate.  It was beautiful!

I like our Wooster Courthouse too, but when they stand alone like this they seem way more stately and more majestic.

The one I really want to see is the Warren Courthouse, check that one out online, it is incredible.
google- Ohio Courthouses and let me know which one is your favorite.

Contest Winner - Jove Water and Turmeric Teas

I won a National Tea Day Giveaway Contest!

I received two cases of water and a box of tea!

My niece was in town and asked to try some tea.  I decided it was the perfect time to make her a flight of several teas so she could see what she liked and didn't like.  I of course used my new bottled water to make the tea!

She said she always wanted to try a golden milk latte, but hated to pay the money if she wasn't going to like it - so I made her two kinds of turmeric drinks, a lavender milk tea, and date tea from Korea.

Her favorite was the date tea from Korea.  It is always good to try new things and see what you think. Be open and willing to explore other options.  You will never know if you like something if you don't try it.  And she was also glad she tried the turmeric tea, it was not one of her favorites.

Thanks Jove Water for the free water.  I enjoyed using it for tea and sharing with my friends.


I received my free tea, it was a Masala Chai and it was very delicious!  It has a nice spice to it.  There are cardamon seeds, cinnamon, turmeric, black peppers corns, and ginger mixed with Assam black tea.

I would give the tea 5 tea cups.  The flavors are spot on.  It does not need sugar added, but I do like a little oat milk added to it, when I have it on hand.