Tiesta Tea, Slenderizer, fruity pebbles- Cold Brew

I have a 1/2 gallon of Cold Brew Iced Tea!!!

This is another tea I enjoy warm, but now I think I like it better cold brewed.  I put 2 Tbs in a half gallon mason jar of cold water and in 10 minutes I have amazing tea. I put a screen on the top of the mason jar and screwed the lid on-it strains the water and the leaves. I can fill this up at least two more times and the tea is as good as the first time.  


yes, it's I drink a lot of tea in a day...I can't get enough of the different flavors and varieties. I hope to inspire you to get out there drink news kinds!!


  1. Hello, Kerrie. It an awesome privilege to go on mission trips. I have only been on one so far. I went to Belize, Central America in order to help build a church there. I have a question for you. It says that you have brewed Kombucha tea and I was wondering if you had ever used Tiesta tea (fruity pebbles) to brew Kombucha tea with?
    Thank you and may Jehovah, Yeshua and the Holy Spirit bless you continually.

  2. Hi. Thanks for your message. I have never used Tiesta Tea in Kombucha, but I easily could. Any loose leaf tea could be added to flavor kombucha. Thanks for the work you do in Belize!!!
