Egyptian Table....... soon to be tea table

The 2024 Beulah Beach Benefit Auction took place and besides $10 on some plants I only bought one thing...this Egyptian Table top.

I won the bid for $30.  I am going to see if my dad can make a base for it.  I would love to have a taller table than the one I have right now.  Maybe even bar size on a pedestal.

That makes me think I should look for one of those plant columns and a fix the tray too.  I can spray the column from white to black or brown or something...hmmmmm,  now I am getting excited.

I am on the hunt for something like this...

I love Beulah Beach in Vermillion!!!
There is something about the sunsets up here too.  Just beautiful.

I love going up to the beach for this auction. It is a great cause, but I look forward to seeing so many of my friends!!  Some of these people I have known for over 30 years.

On the way home I found some fun Goodwill's in Sandusky too.  I love a good thrift shop deal!

Here is the table I won in 2018.  I talked to the owner of the table I won from Turkey and her table really was a tea table.

With the table I got in 2018 it came with chairs and a table base.

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