Garden Tea Party

I have always wanted to have a garden party.  My parents do one every few years and I think that they are so pretty and have such a romantic feel to them.

So, I worked on my yard for about 4 months and I finally got weeds pulled and garden beds edged and I was ready for a garden tea party.

Well the Saturday I had it planned for, it rained and was terrible.  So, the rain day was the next day Sunday.  And it ended up being a very nice beautiful day.

I decorated the card tables with candles and flowers from my garden. Very simple and nothing too elaborate, but it looked pretty.


The food table, I put a table runner down the middle with a mesh runner on top of it.  Again, simple but did the job.

I had lemon bread and blueberry scones.  Then I had a 3 tier of chocolate cookies and other British treats. (I ended up not making the scones and I bought them from a grocery store. But, if I were to make them, one of the easiest ways is this mix, Sticky Fingers, from World Market.  They are $6.99 for Gluten free and $5.99 for the regular flour ones.  They are great. )

 I also had lemon short bread, lemon cookies, raspberry jam cookies, and macarons. I had lemon butter wafers, and lastly I had creme Brulé crackers.  If you have never tried the Gourmet seasoned crackers, you need too!  

All you need is Saltines, olive oil and the mix, put in a zip lock bag and shack.  They are fantastic.  I got my pack of seasoning in Medina for $4.95 and it made two sleeves of crackers. 

I could not find that brand on line, but I found something similar,

Also Walmart carries a brand too.

These Lemon Flower Cookies from Trader Joe's were INCREDIBLE!!

I made Passion Iced Tea (Hibiscus), Unsweetened Mint Tea, and Purple Palmer (Butterfly Pea Tea)

I also set up a photo booth area.  Some of the guests seem to have fun with this addition.

It was a nice afternoon to just sit and chat.


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