Lavender Trails, Vendor Sunday 2024

I attended the Lavender Vendor days last year (as a customer) and I loved it.  I asked if I could be apart of it, they said sure!  I was surprised there were no lavender drink vendors...and since it was at the lavender trails and people were there for lavender, I did great.  I have to say it was one of my best pop up events!!

I made three lavender drinks:
Black tea steeped with a friends lavender from her garden.
Lavender Earl Grey- Twinings Earl Grey with Lavender Syrup
and the crowd favorite- Purple Palmer, aka, Butterfly Pea Tea.  This is spearmint, peppermint, lavender, lemon balm, chamomile, and green tea.  I have several batches that I varies what tea I have on hand.

The night before I made concentrate of all the teas.

A beautiful but super hot day!  It got over 90 degrees, ugh!!  Thankfully there was a slight wind that would blow by every once in a while.

Lavender Trails is right off Rt 57 in Orrville.

Mom and dad were my taste testers.  They came before church and helped me get set up.  Man was it hot!!!

Flowers from my garden... and the hydrangea from the neighbors- but I did ask if I could take some, lol!

I sold 12 oz of tea for $4, mini Stanley cups for $5. and my ABCs of tea book for $20.  

They have so many wonderful lavender items

Here I am with Amy Duxbury- she and her husband Jim have done a fantastic job on turning this brownfield into a beautiful lavender field.

I love love love the their lavender Syrup!!!!

They have over 1 mile of lavender and 11 different varieties. 
They took a brownfield and turned it into beauty!!  It is just gorgeous out there.  Lots of photo opportunities as well.

Here is my view...

I have to say, I loved going over and rubbing my hands on the lavender!  They smelled heavenly.

There were over 20 vendors at this event.  Lots and lots of fun items.  They did two weekends of vendor days.  Be sure to look for them in 2025!

I am thankful for the tent cover that mom and dad bought me last year, it was perfect for this event.  Although a big gust of wind came by and it blew over... my neighbors helped me turn it over and stake it down.

Mr Duxbury enjoyed my butterfly pea tea and had several cups.  The mayor also had a cup.

My friend Laura brought her book for me to sign.  Other friends stopped in for tea.

We had about 10 minutes of rain, but then it passed.  It was a really nice day.

I ran out of butterfly tea and I had made 3 gallons.  And I was low on the other two, I was very excited about that.

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