Make your own mint tea- experiment with mint

My raspberry bush- I add leaves.  You can't taste the leaves, but it's good for your digestive system.

Here is my mint.  You can add spearmint, peppermint, and I just learned chocolate mint!!  I've also heard catnip- but not tried that yet 😀

Here is my lavender I use for my tea.

Sometimes I add lemon balm- but not today.

My mom taught me to take the leaves off the stem so your tea doesn't get bitter. 

I also add a mint tea bag.  I like Boston Mint because that is what my mom
Used when we were little.  You can use ANY tea you want.  Play around- use mint, fruit flavor, black, green- get creative!!!

I run my iced tea machine 

Once my first batch is complete then I pour that tea into another pitcher and run it all again.  You can get 2--3 batches of iced tea with one set of leaves and bags. If you don't have extra pitchers- save a milk jug and wash it REALLY well!! Or an Orange Juice container.  Those are handy to put extra tea in.

My second batch I added some of this lavender mint tea I bought in Oregon 

Now I've got some amazing tea for the week-okay, that tea may only last 2-3 days 

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