Maillingerstraße 14
(Eingang Blutenburgstraße)
80636 München
Tel. 089 / 5506 9988
When I was in German in 2012 babysitting my 8 year old cousin for a week, I discovered this tea shop around the corner from my cousins apartment.  I met the owner, Pei-Jen Müller-Lierheim she is  from Taiwan.  I really enjoyed meeting her.  She had this delightful store.  The only problem was they only took cash- well, maybe that was a good thing :)  I bought two kinds of tea (and I still do not know what kind of tea I purchased) and some coin purses.

 The shop was light and cheerful.  I wish I could have spent more time there and do some tea taste testing.  I purchased some tea coin purses for my mom, sister, and aunt.  I thought that they were adorable.  I just recently found almost the EXACT thing on Etsy.

This is the one I purchased in Munich.
Here is what I found on Etsy.  These coin purses run about $16.00 a piece.  I think the ones in Germany were $7 or $8.00- but with the money conversion it was probably about $14.00.  I am wondering if they are from the same place, because in Munich there were three styles of purses, and this lady has three styles.
I want to sell these in my tea shop :)

These are super cute!!!  These seem to be the highest quality I was able to find on Etsy.  I think that they would make great gifts.  Give someone some bagged tea in this cute purses.  I love them!!


I think these are ornaments- not coin purses

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