Almaty Apple Mastile from the Middle East and a tea from Burma

A friend was traveling and picked this up for me to try.  She said that is what people in the area eat with their tea in Almaty, Kazakhstan.

I at first thought she said it was tea.  I could not figure out how in the world it was a tea.  I thought maybe I was to break it up and put it in water.  I was so confused, then I reached out to her and explained it was NOT tea, but I was to enjoy with tea.  Ahhh, that made so much more sense.

I had to do some google translating to see what she brought me and how to eat it, lol.  It was a really neat story about the history of apples in that area. (The story is translated below)

Almaty means Father of apples.  And they have wild apple forests there.
The capital, Alma-Alta means full of apples.

                                  This is just apples and egg whites?? There is some powered sugar dusted on top, but it is basically apples and egg whites. We were all shocked. 

 We devoured it at work!  I saved some for my mom and dad to try and they liked it as well.

I had a tea from Burma that I brewed to go with the apple pastry.

Burma is also known as Myanmar.  When I think of Burma, I think if Yul Brenner and the King and I.  Burma is the northwestern most country of mainland southeast Asia.

This was a black big leaf tea.  It has nice brisk flavor.  I got notes of chocolate and a light smokiness.  I really enjoyed it with the apple treats.

What a delicious and fun treat!!!  I loved the apple pastry, my friend is going to try to make it.  I hope she succeeds!

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